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Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I'm politically incorrect and grammatically correct. I think lots of things and say them out loud.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Go Green on a Budget

This will be my last post for this blog, so I'd like to leave you with ways to update your lifestyle and save money, all while becoming more sustainable.

  1. Make your own cleaning products. Add one part vinegar to three parts water, put the mixture in a spray bottle, and you have a multipurpose cleaning solution.
  2. Use old towels rather than paper towels. It eliminates paper waste and they can be used over and over again.
  3. Buy high efficiency laundry detergent. Use less and stretch your dollars further.
  4. Dry your clothes on a clothesline. The fresh air scent is free.
  5. Replace your make up with organic or mineral make up as it runs out. It's better for your skin (I swear by my Bare Minerals foundation), and won't break the bank -- Physician's Formula makes an organic collection that is sold in drugstores and packaged in recycled packaging.
  6. Buy in bulk. It cuts down on the need for individual packaging, and usually saves money by the unit. A Sam's Club membership could be a great investment.
  7. Open the windows. Replace the central air system with an open window this summer. As the weather gets nice, you may be tempted to keep the indoors nice and cool, but the natural breeze will feel just as nice. Open the shades to allow sunlight in, and keep the lights off during the day.
  8. Buy an aluminum water bottle and refill it with tap water. You won't have to keep replacing plastic water bottles and you'll reduce waste while saving money.
  9. Look for products made from bamboo fiber. Bamboo is a completely renewable resource, and the thread that can be made from the plant is silky and incredibly soft.
  10. Use soy candles to set the mood. They don't contain the petroleum distillates that are used to make traditional candles, and they burn for longer.

You can make the difference for the present and future of the planet. If not for yourself, think of future generations that will be missing out on the simple pleasures that nature provides if we don't change things now. Think green, live clean.


  1. Haha...you are really lame.

  2. I second that - this isn't even a blog; anyone can copy and paste "green" ways to live. This should not even be connected to Linkedin.

  3. Thank you for your constructive criticism, but these were not copied and pasted. All of my work is original, unless otherwise cited.
